Hi All-

I've been playing around with the latest version of GoGo-no-Coda.  In the
setup portion of the program the user can disable psycho-acoustics.  The
program says that when encoding at < 128 kbs, quality of encoding is
improved with psycho-acoustics enabled.  The implication given is that
enabling psycho-acoustics offers little or no benefit when encoding at bit
rates >= 128 kbs.

Is there general agreement on this?  Does this apply to LAME as well?  If
so, I'm wasting a lot time since the encoding is of course much faster with
psycho-acoustics disabled.

How does one do this with LAME?  At the beginning of the usage file that
comes with LAME it says that when using -f there are no psycho-acoustics,
but later on it says that -f disables noise shaping and that
psycho-acoustics are computed.
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