> As a side note, I'm getting a blip inbetween songs, is this because of
> headers and such?  I would think that since it's raw PCM it shouldn't do
> that... Basically, it would be the same as doing:
> bash# (lame --decode in1.mp3 && lame --decode in2.mp3) | lame -b 56k out.mp3
> ...and getting a noise inbetween.  Any ideas?  Will I be forced to pad
> incoming PCM data so it makes a complete frame or something?

> --
> Ben Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> http://defiance.dyndns.org/ / http://radio.scenespot.org/
> Now playing on Defiance Radio: Thieves Like Us (Instrumental) by New Order

The is probably because 'lame --decode' writes a .wav header on the
output file, and this wav header for in2.mp3 will be treated as audio
data.  I overloaded the "-t" option (disable Xing header when
encoding) so that it disables writing of the WAV header when decoding,
and then you will just get raw pcm (little endian format).
(just committed to CVS)

You may also want to use the '-r' option when encoding.  This
will tell LAME to assume the data is raw pcm and not
try looking for WAV and AIFF headers (and not attempt any

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