> So my question(s) are:  Is the solution to my problem to filter/downsample
> (and use joint, when I get around to coding it up)?  That seems to be what
> is making the difference in the case of LAME; I assume that FhG is using
> some filtering as well, though there's no way to disable it and see for
> sure.  Are there really just not enough bits for this type of signal at
> bitrate?  Why does Layer-II do so much better a job with this type of
> signal?  Do other codecs (AAC/MPEG-4) hand this kind of signal better as
> well?

I forget something: the sample you're using is very closed to mono, so joint
stereo helps a lot.

For your problem, there are mainly 2 soulutions:
a: downsampling
b: using joint stereo. For voice signal, the best joint mode would probably
be intensity stereo. But it's not implemented in Lame.

You mentionned that you use crc. Are you aware that the ISO crc code is



Gabriel Bouvigne - France
icq: 12138873

MP3' Tech: www.mp3-tech.org

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