| Someone told me, that using -mj will destroy 3d-suround information.

3D surround sound processing alter only "S" surround channel (L-R,
difference signals from both channels), "M" Middle channel (summing signal
L+R ie., mono) is not modified.

Processing is based only at equalizing in +/- 2..6kHz band. Phones and
speakers type processing differs at different levels of equalizing and
final re-mixing (to obtain processed L and R channels again) at M/S matrix.

| It is caused due switching from m/s to stereo and back.

When you encode in dual-channell stereo with given bitrate, more signals
are lost than you encode this bitrate with joint stereo mode.

When you switch between modes on the fly, then losing of sone signals may
cause flying position in 3D.

| Using -mf will solves this problem, because it will not switch between
| the modes. In the past, i thought only fraunhofers joint-stereo has
| a similar problem (phase lost with is-stereo).


| Is this a true information, or is this false?


| I can not test this, because i have no equipment for that.

You cannot have any special equipment, only 3D stereo recording and
ordinary stereo speakers or hadphones.


             Jaroslav Lukesh
             note: (Bill) Gates to Hell!

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