> X-Authentication-Warning: geek.rcc.se: majordom set sender to 
> From: "Steve Lhomme" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sat, 19 Aug 2000 16:06:48 +0200
> I'd like to know your point of view on the "Free format" that lame generates.
> I've created a free format file with 'lame --freeformat -b 62 file.au". I'm using 
>lame 3.86beta on Win32 compiled locally using MinGW32 with Libsndfile and full speed 
>optimization (all I found usefull in the GCC doc). And it usually works fine.
> But with free format, it sometimes generate half frames. The file seems to have the 
>following characteristics :
> PROT_BIT            0
> BIT_RATE            1
> SAMPLE_FREQ         22050
> PAD_BIT             0
> PRIV_BIT            0
> MODE_EXTENSION      Intensity OFF / MS ON
> ID3V2               0
> FRAME_LENGTH        405
> COPYRIGHT           0
> ORIGINAL            1
> EMPHASIS            NONE
> CHECK_STATE         1
> BIN_STRING          11111111111100110000000001100100
> BIT_RATE = 1 means free format.
> I've checked the file in hexadecimal, and sometimes I get frame
> header at 202 bytes from the previous instead of 405. So I was
> wondering if this is not a bug of lame or if the free format allow
> this (but I don't think so).
> The other possibility is that the real frame size is 202 bytes, but
> then would some of the frames would be separated by 405 bytes ?
> any opinions welcomed (I can make the files available if necessary)
> thx

If sample_freq < 32khz, samples per frame = 576 (not 1152)!

This the the so-called 'LSF' extension of MPEG: 

32khz - 48khz:   MPEG1 Layer 3  1152 samples per frame
16khz - 24khz:   MPEG2 layer 3   576 samples per frame
8khz  - 12khz:   MPEG2.5 layer 3 576 samples per frame.


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