I apologize for posting this here, since it's only marginally on-topic.
But it does affect some people who use LAME's VBR code.  Also, posting
to this list seems to be the only way to get Rob Leslie's attention.
Finally, there is (as far as I can tell) no TekNap mailing list of
any sort.[0]

I have a patch for TekNap (a curses-based Napster client) which allows it
to compute VBR average bitrates using Rob Leslie's libmad.  (Without it,
all VBR files show up as 64 kbps with an incorrect duration.)

The patch is made against the CVS version of TekNap, and it can be found

    http://www.kellnet.com/wooledge/teknap-libmad.diff    (9652 bytes)

Instructions for installing and using it are inside the patch file.

I'm still unsure of the legality of distributing this patch.  libmad is
under the GNU GPL, while TekNap is under a modified BSD-style license.
Attempts to reach Rob Leslie to discuss relicensing have been ignored.

All feedback is welcome.

Greg Wooledge                    | "Truth belongs to everybody."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]             |   Red Hot Chili Peppers
http://www.kellnet.com/wooledge/ |

[0] TekNap technical support seems to consist of the rather unhelpful
#help channel on the OpenNap network, where any request for assistance
is ignored.

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