::  Frank Klemm schrieb am Fre, 01 Sep 2000:
::  > lame/CODING_STYLE, version 0.001 ;-)
::  > ---------------------------------------------------------------------
::  > This is the first try of a Coding Style:
::  notes on some points
::  > * Don't use tabulators (the character with the value '\t') in source code,
::  >   especially these with a width of unequal 8. Lame sources are using
::  >   different sizes for tabulators.
::  I don't like tabulators too
::  > * Functions should be not longer than 50 lines of code.
:: this is debateable

Yes. 24 lines.

::  > * Document functions.
::  programmers don't document, you know ;-)
::  OK, your point is clear and I'll try to add more comments
::  (hopefully useful remarks..)
::  > * Don't use single 'short' variables to save storage.
::  >   Short variables are especially on Pentium Class Computer much slower than
::  >   int's. DEC alpha also hates short variables.
::  > 
::  >   Example:   float bla [1024];
::  >              short i;
::  >              for ( i = 0; i < 1024; i++ )
::  >                 bla [i] = i;  
::  I'm not so sure about shorts. Documents on the Intel compiler suggest
::  for example to put the index variables of nested loops in a struct
::  to improve cache performance, this way they would be in the same cache line.
May be this plays a role, but only if you have more than 8 loops. And if you
have more than 8 loops, the performance of the outer loops becomes very

In 32 bit mode the pentium supports 8 bit and 32 bit. 16 bit need the
operand size prefix. This is slow. 

DEC Alpha cannot handle 16 bit int's at all. The compiler generates a lot of
bit shifting and masking stuff.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frank Klemm
phone | +49 (3641) 64-2721    home: +49 (3641) 390545
sMail | R.-Breitscheid-Str. 43, 07747 Jena, Germany

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