::  > // pfk
::  >         // For 44.1 kHz
::  > //   1... 96 kbps: Mono                 better than ugly stereo °)
::  > --> //  97...159 kbps: Joint Stereo
::  > --> // 160...192 kbps: Force Joint Stereo   bandwidth not enough for LR stereo, 
:but reducing switching artefacts
::  > // 193...    kbps: Stereo               enough bandwidth for LR stereo
::  >         //
::  >         // °) mostly prevent by automatic downsampling
::  Why using forced joint by default? I'm personnaly againt it, as it leads to
::  spacialization artifacts.
bitrates are calculated for fs=44.1 kHz, scale for other fs

                          080 096     128     160     192
                           |   |       |       |       |
Lame 3.87 pre-klemm     --------------mj------><-----ms--------
my proposal             ---mm--><-----mj------><--mf--><--ms---
differences             °°°°°°°°               ^^^^^^^^

... 96 kbps: stereo makes no sense (for 44.1 kHz), this case is mostly
      prevented by automatic downscaling (currently it only occures at 8 and
      16 kbps, limit is 17.4 kbps).

Note: * this automatic can be disabled via -mj or -mf or -ms
      * this automatic only occures if the MP3 encoder can't lower the
        PCM data rate by a further decreasing the fs
      * or by forcing high sampling frequencies and low bit rates without
        forcing a special stereo mode

97...159 kbps: joint stereo needs the lowest data rate may be causing
      switching artefacts.

160...191 kbps: Most music is coded by >95% of MS frames, the resting
        5% are not saving so much space. I've not checked the code,
        but switching LR <-> MS seems to result in additional bits.
        I've found only one piece of music so -mj saves more than 0.1
        percent over -mj. Often -mj files are larger.

192... kbps:
        -ms as -mf also prevents switching artefacts. If the psycho
        accoustic model is correct and the noise shaping is done correctly,
        it depends on the correlation coefficent which is the best, r talks
        about the degree of the saving (r = +/-1: max, r=0 none)

            a                  high low 
                            data rate channel
        +0.5...+2               L+R  L-R
          +2... oo              L    R
          oo...-2               L    R
          -2...-0.5             L-R  L+R
        -0.5...+0.5             R    L

        "a" may be should not be calculated by the total signal, but by the signal
        splitted into several subbands.

        So -mf is the best for "a" = +/-0.5...2, -ms for the rest.
        Lame pre-klemm forces -ms for >= 160 kbps, so the question is, what
        are the problems with -mf if -mf and -ms are nearly the same.
        1st problem:  weakness of the MS psycho accoustic model (?)
        2nd problem:  optimum quantization is much more difficult in MS
                      than in LR, so for a r=0 signal quantization noise 
                      of the MS signal is higher than in the LR model
                      (for the best process on average both are the same)
        3rd problem:  music or parts of music with a "a" outside +/-0.5...2


        1st problem:  I have a lot of ideas, but
                      * I have to work, lame is only hobby
                      * days on earth only have 24 h (venus would be nice)
                      * my english is bad
                      * literature I have is written in German and is
                        printed on paper
                      * explaining difficult problems via email in a foreign
                        language is very time consumpting (30 min email = 2
                        min talk). Mostly I take a pencil and a stack of
                        paper to explain things and this totally fails for
                      * I can't read a lot of the lame code without having
                        the tendency to press <Meta>r

        2nd problem:  May be not so difficult, but CPU time consupting A
                      rest of <0.5 dB don't plays such a big role.

        3rd problem:  This is exactly the same problem -ms has with the
                      complementary. And this happens much much more often.
                      So if this is a problem -mj is the answer and not -ms
                      or -mf. But 160 kbps should have enough reservoir 
                      to cover this problem. For -ms I doubt that this is
                      the case. See ^^^^^^^

                      Also note that "a" tends to slip from big positive
                      values directly to opposite negative values.

See also next e-Mail.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Frank Klemm
phone | +49 (3641) 64-2721    home: +49 (3641) 390545
sMail | R.-Breitscheid-Str. 43, 07747 Jena, Germany

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