>>> A much better (and tidier) solution is to have one function that you can
>>> pass a struct to, like this:
>>> lame_setup_stuff(struct LAMEprefs *prefs, unsigned int structsize);
>> 1)   use commandline like strings to setup LAME's encoding engine
>>      handle = lame_get_handle();
>>      lame_setup_stuff(handle, "output samplerate = 32 kHz");
>>      lame_setup_stuff(handle, "input samplerate = 48 kHz");
>>      lame_setup_stuff(handle, "bitrate = 128 kps");
>or in an Amiga TagItem like way (I have an implementation (~2k source,
>most of it are comments) of struct TagItem and NextTagItem() if you need
>it), less difficult to use (you didn't need a parser).

Actually, that is an excellent idea, and much more flexible than a struct,
can't think of why I didn't think of that... ;)


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