Gabriel Bouvigne wrote:
> > how about altering some of the mp3 specs themselves and creating a
> lame
> > specific mp3 variant?
> > are there any legal reasons not to do this? would the quality gain
> be
> > worth the effort?
> The problem is that no player would them be able to play the files.
> MP3 is an internationnal standard, and I think that we must follow it.
> For creating a new standard, there is another project called Vorbis.
> Regards,
> --
> Gabriel Bouvigne - France
> mobile phone: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> icq: 12138873
> MP3' Tech:
Doesn't lame already use a variant of the mpg123lib for it's internal
would It be possible to use that as the basis for a plugin for other
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