Mark Powell schrieb am Don, 28 Sep 2000:
> >     Hmm, you may dig in the Gogo sources. If I remember right
> >     they allowed to turn on optimizations with something like
> >     --use-mmx. This could be a way to do it in LAME too.
> Surely Gabriel was referring to the MMX code always being present in the
> binary. On an non-MMX CPU it would fall back to using the old non-MMX
> code. Thus never executing an illegal instruction. Isn't this how
> commercial applications handle it? Of course if this is a lot of work, for
> little gain, then forgive me :)
>   Cheers.

        Mark, I got that already, but I have no idea how to check
        for the presence of a MMX CPU. If someone knows how to do
        that, fine! Maybe there is some special x86 command that
        allows to decide whether it is a MMX CPU or not.
        As a quick fix we could implement that command line switch
        for LAME.

        Ciao Robert

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