Ok, all...

I just separated frontend from library. but many things does not work
correctly yet (VBR histgram, etc), or even checked(many configure
option, etc).

Mark suggested that "library" code should be in the libmp3lame, but
before moving to it, I want to everyone to check my modifications.

We are at the start point of the modularized work. This is not the
final release. Probably there are too many bugs. Probably you can't
agree with my modularization policy.

So, tell me your opinion and bug reports.

Let me explain some of modifications....

parse.c is now out of library. and the interface between library and
frontend is currently pointer to a private struct.

but I think this is 100% stupid idea. To keep the backward
compatibility, I left this interface, but we should use more polished
interface method in the future.

VBR bitrate histgrams are out of library. to make the histgram is the
job of frontend.

lame_encode_buffer will returns output stream size, so we can
calculate the bitrate of the frame from it and make the statics.

HAVEGTK is changed. Old LAME code considers only GTK analyzer, but
there may be another analyzer (for example, we can make an analyzer
with ncurses). so, I separated "HAVEGTK" into "ANALYSIS" (interface
between visualizer(frontend) and the library) "HAVEGTK" (enables gtk
analyzer in the frontend).

I hope these feautures can be controlled by configure option,
--enable-analysis and --enable-gtkanalyzer, but I have never tested

HAVEVORBIS things are completely not tested yet.

timestatus things are also moved to frontend.

I think file i/o things(VbrTag, id3tag, etc) needs more modularization
Takehiro TOMINAGA // may the source be with you!
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