> As a value of 200 for BLACKSIZE showed an improvement in resampling, why
> does is still got a value as low as 25?
> Regards,
> --
> Gabriel Bouvigne - France

Hi Gabriel,

Increasing BLACKSIZE only improves the sharpness of the lowpass
cutoff.  For resampling, I dont think we need an extremely sharp
cutoff, and maybe a more gradual cutoff even sounds better?

The problem David discovered (on that mp3.com posting) (aliasing onto
lower frequencies) was related to BPC - the number of precomputed
convolution functions.  LAME was precomputing only 16, but this is now
bumped up to 160 in lame 3.87.  

I hope to add something soon which has it precompute the exact amount
needed.  Does anyone have code which computes the lcd (largest
common denominator) of two ints?  I think the number of windows needed
is given by:  out_samplerate/(lcd(in_samplerate,out_samplerate))

(44.1khz -> 32khz requires 320 windows, but 48khz->32khz only
requires 4!)


 tthink e
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