
Roel, maybe you should give these settings a try on that track:

-V1 -mj -b128 -q2 -d -k --nspsytune --athlower -35 -X3

The bitrate stays pretty low (~224kbps) and it sounds very good... almost identical to 
the original.  These are the only settings I could find that produce a smaller file 
than using 256kbps that still sounds good (actually it sorta sounds a bit better.. 
seems the noise is less harsh than that generated by 256kbps).  I'd like to hear your 
thoughts on these settings.


On Fri, 6 Oct 2000 00:28:06   
 Roel VdB wrote:
>Hello Gargos,
>Thursday, October 05, 2000, 12:08:31 PM, you wrote:
>GC> Have you tried using -q1 on fatboy.wav?  It sounds significantly
>GC> worse than -h or -q2.  If you dont have this file let me know and
>GC> I will send it to you.
>I agree that -q1 sounds worse on this one using "-V1 -mj -b128 -q1 -h"
>VS "-V1 -mj -b128 -q2 -h".  Sad thing is that bitrate doesn't seem to
>be the problem here.  Some more fundamental problem since the noise
>levels are very low (in db's), yet the noise is very apparent.
>"-q2 -h" is still worthless since it's poor sounding @260kbit/s :(.
>but you have a point, both mess up, q2 sounds better, yet far from
>I'm thinking the flaw is not with -q1 but somewhere else.  the noise
>levels are lower than normal -V1 graphs, but relying more on the
>psychoaccoustics on this track would be the wrong choice.  Maybe
>someone feels the urge to tweak the psycho-acc so this one will sound
>good @320 ? :))
>> LAME version 3.87 (beta 1, Sep 27 2000)    (http://www.mp3dev.org)
>> Encoding as 44.1 kHz VBR(q=1) j-stereo MPEG-1 LayerIII ( 6.0x estimated) qval=1
>>  32 [%.5]*
>> 128 [ 5%]********
>> 160 [21%]*********************************
>> 192 [17%]*************************
>> 224 [33%]**************************************************
>> 256 [18%]***************************
>> 320 [ 6%]*********
>> average: 210.2 kbps
>> LAME version 3.87 (beta 1, Sep 27 2000)    (http://www.mp3dev.org)
>> Encoding as 44.1 kHz VBR(q=1) j-stereo MPEG-1 LayerIII ( 6.0x estimated) qval=2
>>  32 [%.5]*
>> 128 [ 3%]****
>> 160 [15%]****************
>> 192 [ 8%]*********
>> 224 [ 7%]********
>> 256 [17%]*****************
>> 320 [49%]**************************************************
>> average: 260.3 kbps
>Best regards,
> Roel                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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