
I've been looking for a way to convert Dialogic vox files to mp3 for quite
some time now. My current solution is to convert vox to a wav file using
an algorithm from Dialogic, then use lame to create the mp3. I'd really
like to skip the intermediate step (especially since that conversion is
done in Java).

When I found out libsnd supported the vox format (awesome work Erik!), and
it could be compiled into lame, I figured I was set. However as many of
you know, libsnd 1.0.x is incompatible with lame 3.93.x.

I've set off on a sketchy path to attempt to make these 2 great programs
compatible, starting off in get_audio.c (the first error in the make). The
libsnd SF_INFO structure changed in 1.0.x, and no longer has the
pcmbitwidth member. I assume that's only the tip of the iceberg.

My question is two fold. First, does anyone know of another (read better)
way to convert from vox to mp3 on a unix platform? And second, assuming
the answer to the first question is no, would anyone like to join me in my
effort to make lame support the newer libsnd API? Any advice from the lame
developers on how difficult this is going to be, or instruction beyond my
haphazard attempts to get the code to compile would be greatly

Thanks in advance,

Todd Delaune

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