On Thu, 3 Jul 2003 13:47:13 -0500
Adam Luter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anyway here is the patch.  Hopefully it's roughly how you would like it
> done.

This changes the interface of libmp3lame. For Takehiro's branch this
would be ok, as we don't have the constraint to keep the API stable. But
for the main branch we can't do that.

So you have to check the validity of the values in the frontend, not in
the id3 functions (Track-No, Year, ...).

Further comments:
 - you shouldn't set blank ("") values on failure (title, comment, artist)
 - don't set the year/track to 0 on failure, use the current behavior
 - don't print "Specify genre name or number." when you set it to "Other"
 - please don't use tabs to indent

My suggestion:
 - test the id3 values in parse.c, if the user wants to ignore errors
   use the id3 functions as they are used at the moment (except for the
   genre) else print an error
 - genre: don't test the value, just use the id3 function, if it fails
   and the user wants to ignore errors then use a default genre

This way the API remains stable (you only have to change parse.c) and we
have the desired behavior.


              To boldly go where I surely don't belong.

http://www.Leidinger.net                       Alexander @ Leidinger.net
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