while i am writing a mp3-player, some questions occurred,
which i can't solve at my own:
(the player should decode "on-the-fly")

1. using a time-bar in my gui, at which the user can jump through the
mp3-file (while playing), the method decodeMP3() in //mpglib/interface.c produces some output
like: "bitstream problem: resyncing..."
or: "big_values too large! 482"
or: "Blocktype == 0 and window-switching == 1 not allowed."
can i ignore this?
is calling lame_decode_exit() and then lame_decode_init() after an user-jump a good idea?

2. positioning through the *.mp3-file on harddisk is problematic. i calculate the byte-file-pointer
from the *.mp3-file-length and mp3data->nsamp. to read the next bytes into my mp3Buf.
should i subtract the mp3-header-length from the *.mp3-file-length to have more prezision?
what else is to do?

3. how to flush samples from decode-internal-buffers at the end of the song?

4. the decode-api offers me "enc_delay" and "enc_padding".
what to do with these values?

5. compiling on macintosh os-x, my application often crashes while the lame-internal method
decodeMP3() in //mpglib/interface.c is calling malloc() and free().
any ideas why? the mp3Buf[] and its size are valid. also the pcm_outputBuf[] (left and right).

thx  in advance.
sebastian roll.

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