----- Forwarded message from Christian HJ Wiesner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -----
I know i am not subscribed, but can you make a one time exception and 
post this mail ?

>sorry for the x-post, just ignore this email if you are not interested 
>in MPC as an audio compression format.
>While musepack has a lot of fans since some time now, especially those 
>with a bigger interest in quality than small filesizes, the project 
>has undoubtedly been hurt in the past as there has been a lot of 
>talking about an upcoming development step from the SV7 to the SV8 
>specification, without any real results to be achieved.
>This is the last attempt to get MPC SV8 moving, and with the help of 
>the Hydrogenaudio.org community.
>The main developer of MPC, who had been driving the project to its 
>current, excellent state has lost interest to continue with 
>development, and we hope to be able to raise his interest in it again. 
>Since more than one year there are 4 mailing lists existing, namely
>mpc-devel at freelists dot org
>mpc-general at freelists dot org
>mpc-users at freelists dot org
>mpc-cvs at freelists dot org
>They were hardly ever used, except for the spam that has been a big 
>probem for freelists.org hosting them, as you can see by having a look 
>at the archives on gmane.org :
>( The spam problems turned out to be pretty annoying, so the lists are 
>closed to posting from subscribed users now )
>MPC shall go opensource with the first existing SV8 alpa version, and 
>it was added to the list of projects on the Corecodec multimedia 
>opensource community, see http://mpc.corecodec.org
>and http://corecodec.org/projects/mpc for more details.
>However, i am preparing a series of technical emails to the mpc-devel 
>list with the following subjects
>Description and Discussion of the SV8 bitstream
>Creation of Conversion Tools from SV7 to SV8
>Adding a lossless mode to MPC
>Adding a low bitrate mode to MPC ( SBR ? )
>You all are invited to subscribe to the lists and to actively 
>participate in this development. I am convinced MPC can have a great 
>future, and our main goal should be to show the worl that MPC is a 
>living project, with ongoing development.
>Best regards
>MPC and matroska project admin
mp3encoder mailing list

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