There are 2 things you need to know
1) how to call DLLs from VB.
2) how to call the lame dll.
Not sure which one you are wanting guidance on.

1) is fairly easy, though I don't remember the exact method now. A 
search on google / microsoft knowledge base / vb help files should 
reveal the answer soon enough.

I guess there's info from the Lame folks on the lame_enc.dll API ?!

On 10 Nov 2003 at 17:54, John Dann wrote:

> I know this has been asked before but I just can't see a clear answer in
> the archives:
> Isn't there any advice or guidance anywhere for developers wanting to use
> the lame_enc.dll from within Visual Basic (VB6 for me)?
> [I know it's possible to shell to the executable and use the command line
> arguments, but I'm not comfortable that this is a robust approach for
> frequently repeated use. I'd much prefer to use the dll directly]
> For those of us who don't speak C or some other lower level language and
> are inexperienced in directly using the Win32 API, it seems such a shame
> that there isn't a straightforward guide as to what to do from within VB6.
> Maybe it does exist but after a day or so of searching I can't find it.
> Conceivably there's some technical reason why it's either just not possible
> or maybe it's just difficult to do. For a start, could anyone put me out of
> my misery please and say whether it's impossible / possible but difficult
> for inexperienced programmers / straightforward if you have some pointers.
> If it is the 'straightforward' option then it would be a real bonus if
> anyone could provide the required pointers please.
> John Dann
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