A simple question about MP3 license.

If someone use LAME (a free MP3 encoder) to stream MP3 over Internet (or to
storage on disk)
for commercial market (also suppose to take more than $100,000), he/she must
pay a royalty to Fraunhofer-Thomson?


Giancarlo Vercellesi

> >.......
> If you use the encoder, you must have purchased a patent license
> "period".  Of course, MPEG isn;t going to concern itself with
> individuals.  If you do it in the name of NPR, you really really need
> to have a real license :-)
> Also, if NPR takes in more than $100,000 (sorry, being pedantic :-), I
> the answer is not only "yes" but you also owe per-stream/per-download
> royalties to MPEG.
> However it's easy to believe NPR would be a special case in one way or
> another.  I have a few URLs I can point you to, or you bring it up on
> the vorbis or icecast lists at Xiph.org.  We started Ogg precisely
> because "we're in the industry" and didn't find the royalties (and
> vague unofficial pledges of selective enforcement by Thomson)
> reasonable.
> Monty
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