One of the reasons I'm asking this question here is because you guys
know audio and you're from all over the world.  That and I've been on
this list since 2002 and don't know anywhere where someone else may
have an answer.

This is about audio CD formats.  I just received a CD from Australia
(I'm in the US) and in listening to it it sounds like either there's
some kind of format difference or whoever mixed it was mostly deaf.

There's no bass whatsoever (even thru an EQ), the background music
(not background vocals) are overpowering ALL of the vocals, and compared
to other CDs by the same group (Corrs) which are US releases it seems as
if it was mixed 100% in the reverse - strong vocals, background being
considerably lighter.

If there's a format difference, does anyone know of a filter or something
that would correct this or is this straight audio and just mixed bad?

And to bring it back to on-topic, is there a setting in lame that would
provide some correction when encoding it?

Thanks in advance for anything anyone can shed on this.

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