I am doing reencoding of mp3 files to different bitrate and samplerate.
When I have set option -t I am getting rid of the info tags lame attaches to
the file by default.

STILL, when I open the file I see a "Lame X.XX (beta) aaaa" label at the end
of the stream/file.

My objective is to have an output file of only _valid_audio_frames_ and have
removed any tag and any other information that is not an mp3 audio frame.
Even I would like to remove all Xing. VBR, VBRI, any headers that may be
embedded on an apparently audio frame. The file has to be a pure stream of
audio frames with nothing else.

Any hints how this could be achieved with Lame?

I went through the documentation but the flags are not telling me much.

ALSO, how do I concatenate/merge mp3 files with Lame library, will this
still insert spurious non-audio frames and tags?

Many thanks,


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