On 8/05/2006, at 10:43 PM, Gabriel Bouvigne wrote:

> Edouard Poor a =E9crit :
>> I was hoping that someone could tell me (or point me to the code)
>> that creates lots of frames at the end of an MP3 that have the string
>> "LAME3.93" and, mostly, 0x55's in the rest of the frame.
>> Can anyone help me understand A) where this is coming from, and B)
>> what the best way to detect this is, and thus skip the frames in our
>> decoder?
> This is just padding. Lame is using version string as padding value  
> =20=

> when
> there is not enough audio data to fill the frame. This is stored into
> ancillary data, and is ignored by decoders.

But the frame's audio data *starts* with "LAME3.93UUUUUUU", and there  

are another 77 frames of the same thing following. That seems =20
completely unlike just padding the last frame out to it's full length  

if the audio data is less than a frame size.


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