>This is impossible. Only your ears can tell you which sounds closest,
>and other measures of "closeness" are useless for any purpose.
I disagree.

It is possible to see how different two files are from each other.
For example if you have a 3 byte file (in hex):
0F 8E 46

It would be permissible to say that:
0F 8C 45

Was more similar to the first file than:
0F 82 45
Because the values are closer.

Maybe it might be possible to convert wav -> mp3 -> wav twice (using
different encoding settings) and compare the two wav outputs with each
other and with the original and seeing which one more closely
resembled the original in a similar method. I don't know of any
program that could do this though, although writing one doesn't seem
to be that hard if the two wavs your comparing are the exact same
number of bytes.
The program could go byte by byte and compare the value of the new wav
with the original wav, get the absolute value of the difference and
add all the values for the different bytes together. This would give
you a "score" in a way.

However Alexander is right when he says that it wouldn't give the
actual difference between the two files, only the technical
difference. Music is much more then mere data.

Finally my lurking finished :D
~= sciwzard =~
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