On 2015/10/20 07:27, Mike Abegg <m...@crossfireconsulting.com> wrote:
> On 10/19/2015 05:12 AM, Max Kellermann wrote:
> >Documentation missing (doc/protocol.xml).
> Yes it is, I apologize. I had assumed it was generated from comments
> Javadocs style and didn't give it much thought. I should have been more
> attentive to this.
> I have now spent about an hour trying to figure out how to make this, is
> this set up in the make file? What is the procedure for building this part
> of the documentation? I don't see any instructions anywere and running
> doxygen doesn't seem to touch the protocol documentation. I have added
> appropriate documentation but I have not been able to actually check to make
> sure it builds correctly.

"--enable-documentation" will look for "xmlto" to convert DocBook to

If you find a way to generate protocol documentation from code
comments, that would be fine for me, but that's not how we do it
currently.  I edit the DocBook file with my text editor.

> The reason for this is because if an output gets set to 0 as a result of
> adjusting the master volume it will be impossible to get it out of that
> state without manually setting the volume of that output specifically to
> something other than 0. If you are lowering the volume this code will result
> in the volume staying at 0, if you raise the volume it will result in the
> volume raising by some (smallish) amount. It's something of an edge case
> because it will only happen in one of two cases. 1) the master volume is set
> to 0, which could alternatively be handled by a special case check to see if
> all volumes are the same and if so don't bother with the complicated
> rescaling nonsense. 2) when there is a large difference between two output
> volumes and the master volume is lowered to near zero, the more outputs you
> have the bigger a problem this is.

Sounds like that scaling is somwhat fragile, and a kludge to work
around a corner case where this fragility collapses.. (see below)

> >>+   idle_add(IDLE_OUTPUT);
> >Again: omit IDLE_OUTPUT here.
> This I was pretty unsure about, so I'm fine with this change. I went the way
> I did is because this is somewhat semantically inconsistent. Using the mixer
> signal to mean that (volume) values on outputs have changed, when we have an
> output event. But I totally see what you're saying. This does have the same
> end result effect in that when ever the main volume is changed the client is
> going to have to reload all output volumes, it's just different events
> causing it. This might be a sign I'm going about this in the wrong way.

I understand why you decided to use IDLE_OUTPUT, and it isn't
completely "wrong", just not a good idea in my opinion.

Our idle events are one-dimensional, and they should be optimized to
reduce spurious client wakeups.  A client waiting for IDLE_OUTPUT
probably wants to show a list of outputs, and is not interested in
volume levels; if he really was, he could easily add IDLE_MIXER to his
idle mask.  If every IDLE_MIXER always implies IDLE_OUTPUT, IDLE_MIXER
would be redundant.

What is important here is to document this behavior in the protocol

> I have attached an updated patch incorporating your feedback. After making
> these changes I'm starting to think that maybe this would be better
> implemented by adding a scaling factor to each output and use that for
> scaling from the master volume rather than setting the volume of each output
> directly, which would be closer to the original concept. This would fix the
> issues with volume changes resulting in both mixer and output changes
> needing to be fetched (which is still an issue no matter what events are
> generated), and would also address the issue of volumes getting set to 0 and
> getting stuck in a fairly graceful manner. Thoughts?

I would welcome an idea that fixes the scaling fragility mentioned
above; I didn't like that part of the code anyway.  Making the global
volume a scaling factor for each output sounds like a good approach to

Open questions:

- what volume level is reported for each output?  With or without
  global scaling applied?

- what volume level is expected to be sent by the client for the
  "outputvolume" command?

- what if global volume is 50% but the client wants one output go "all
  the way to eleven", that is, make it 100% - setting just one output
  to 100% will still apply global volume.  (I guess this is where it
  gets complicated.)

Make it consistent, and make it easy to understand and easy to use.

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