I’m building an office music player on top of MPD. I need to be able to store 
extra metadata with each song:
* Last played
* Last skipped
* Play count
* Rating, per user
* Possibly an array of genres

Viable options, in decreasing order of desirability
1. MPD provides a mechanism to directly associate custom metadata with each 
song, persisted across reboots and updates.
2. MPD provides me with a unique ID for each song, robust across file system 
reorganizations and ID3 changes, and I create my own mirror database of 
3. I use something like Echoprint to uniquely identify songs, and I create my 
own mirror database of metadata.
4. MPD provides me with the file for the song as the unique identifier, I 
create my own mirror database of metadata, and I lose information if a song 
moves on disk.

#3/4 seem to be my only options. Am I correct? Is there any way to associate 
metadata with songs in mpd?
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