
No advantage of using pipes, it was only chosen because of my unfamiliarity with MPD and sockets.

So now, the second application (running on same computer) will run the client side of the socket. I know where to create, initiate connection and write to the socket. On the MPD side I'm not so sure where in the code that I should create, bind, listen and accept connections, for the socket.

I'm sure this should be more obvious, but any help would be appreciated.


On 8/11/2017 3:31 AM, Max Kellermann wrote:
On 2017/08/10 17:35, ed mcmurray <> wrote:
 From within the MPD application, I would like to access a Linux Named Pipe
FIFO that has been created in a second application.  The second application
would  place a STOP command into the Name Pipe, when appropriate.  I would
like to insert code in MPD to then monitor this Named Pipe for the STOP
command and act on the command as though it was sent from an mpd
But ... why?

You can already do that with sockets, which is the core idea of MPD.
Why pipes?  Pipes have serious disadvantages (such as being
unidirectional), but you did not describe any advantages of using them
instead of sockets.

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