Thanks. Giving access to SRPMS is an good way to follow the GPL rules.

This is MPD 0.19.14, a branch that is long abandoned, and even within that
branch, it is an old release.  There have been 7 more bug-fix releases up
to 0.19.21 with several rather critical bug fixes.  This means that your
product can be exploited remotely. That worries me.
Even if you had the latest 0.19.21, your product would not be secure,
because as I said this branch has been abandoned a year ago and has not
received any security updates.

The MPD project always maintains one stable branch with feature freeze,
receiving only bug fixes. That may be be the best choice for you. The
current stable branch already has all the "native DSD" features, and you
don't need this third-party patch anymore.

To avoid becoming part of the many IoT botnets these days, please consider
providing proper security updates to your customers.

On Fri, Dec 22, 2017 at 4:24 AM, <> wrote:

> Dear Max,
> Thank you for contacting us, my name is May and I’m working for SOtM as a
> marketing manager.
> This link is the one that you are looking for,
> SRPMS/mpd-0.19.14-4.fc22.src.rpm
> Thank you.
> Best regards, May
> *From:* Max Kellermann []
> *Sent:* Friday, December 22, 2017 7:43 AM
> *To:*;
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Request for GPL source code of
> Dead sir or madam,
> I downloaded
> SHA-256=44dba25b28c1de06713a9a2ec8bb9c
> f22da16b4a5c53103c704c8bc4d940a226
> This archive contains the Music Player Daemon, but no source code. Please
> send me the full source code of that binary.
> Regards,
> Max Kellermann
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