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Customer: Aurender Support
Subject: Request for GPL source code of your Aurender A10 product

Eric Shim | DEC 31, 2017 | 09:55PM KST

Hi Max,

I have sent this email about a week ago, but looks like return email address 
was not correct. So, I am send this again.

Here is s the instruction to build exact same binary from our source.
Please let us know if you have any issue.

1. rootfs for ubuntu 13.10 
- Download rootfs
wget http://beta.aurender.com/gcc/ubuntu-aurender-13.10-i386-withmpd.tar.gz

- Make root directory for rootfs
mkdir root

- Extract file to root directory
sudo tar xzpf ubuntu-aurender-13.10-i386-withmpd.tar.gz -C root

- Bind local computer with this virtual roofs
sudo mount —bind /dev root/dev
sudo mount —bind /proc root/proc
sudo mount —bind /sys root/sys
sudo mount —bind /run root/run

- Now chroot to it
sudo chroot root

2. Build MPD
- Change directory to mpd
root@ubuntu:/# cd mpd/

- Just call builid.sh
root@ubuntu:/mpd# ./build.sh

- You will get below results.
>>> Strip : MPD
>>> Change Build ID: 9c575273c8446d4ba95b496a4fef8cfb0cdb32a7
>>> Now sha256sum is…
83f46f0eefd78e9cf6afa56d4065688806a73e486a4ffb5b008bbbe72ed3e382 src/mpd

3. Build-ID problem

Using the same development environment, you can get the same binary as you want 
by generating same config.h for mpd.
However, sha256sum might be different because it removes the mpd binaries, has 
the same file size, and gets the same unassembled results, but the build IDs 
for elf binaries are different.
Since the "- enable-linker-build-id" option of configure is enabled, We could 
not remove the Build ID or fix it as we wanted.
I do not know how this Build ID was randomly generated. As far as I know, it is 
created with the same value on the same computer.
I included change_build_id.c and excute this program, it just changed the Build 
ID in the notes section of the mpd elf binary.
So with this program, we patched the build ID of mpd which provided to you so 
that you can get the sha256sum as you want.

Best regards,
Eric Shim


Eric Shim | DEC 24, 2017 | 10:41AM KST

Hi Max,

Here is s the instruction to build exact same binary from our source.
Please let us know if you have any issue.

1. rootfs for ubuntu 13.10 
        - Download rootfs
        - Make root directory for rootfs
                mkdir root
        - Extract file to root directory
                sudo tar xzpf ubuntu-aurender-13.10-i386-withmpd.tar.gz -C root
        - Bind local computer with this virtual roofs
                sudo mount --bind /dev root/dev
                sudo mount --bind /proc root/proc
                sudo mount --bind /sys root/sys
                sudo mount --bind /run root/run
        - Now chroot to it
                sudo chroot root

2. Build MPD
        - Change directory to mpd
                root@ubuntu:/# cd mpd/
        - Just call builid.sh
                root@ubuntu:/mpd# ./build.sh
        - You will get below results.
                >>> Strip : MPD
                >>> Change Build ID: 9c575273c8446d4ba95b496a4fef8cfb0cdb32a7
                >>> Now sha256sum is...
83f46f0eefd78e9cf6afa56d4065688806a73e486a4ffb5b008bbbe72ed3e382  src/mpd

3. Build-ID problem

        Using the same development environment, you can get the same binary as 
you want by generating same config.h for mpd.
However, sha256sum might be different because it removes the mpd binaries, has 
the same file size, and gets the same unassembled results, but the build IDs 
for elf binaries are different.
Since the "- enable-linker-build-id" option of configure is enabled, We could 
not remove the Build ID or fix it as we wanted.
I do not know how this Build ID was randomly generated. As far as I know, it is 
created with the same value on the same computer.
I included change_build_id.c and excute this program, it just changed the Build 
ID in the notes section of the mpd elf binary.
So with this program, we patched the build ID of mpd which provided to you so 
that you can get the sha256sum as you want.

Best regards,
Eric Shim


Eric Shim | DEC 22, 2017 | 10:50AM KST

Hi Max,

Thank you for the explanation.

Can you please tell me the last file I sent (wimp.tar.gz) is matching to the 
I have built and checked SHA and it matched. And you can think it is GPLv2, but 
I have one question.
Is it possible to ask you to change the const value of the source when you 
share with others?

We have been supplied the source code who wants it, and it is the first time 
who wants libwimp source.

About mpd source, we will find out and let you know.

Best regards,
Eric Shim


Max | DEC 22, 2017 | 10:12AM KST 

There are several licenses compatible with GPLv2, for example BSD 2-clause
or LGPLv2. But I'm not a lawyer, I can't give you legal advice - I'm just a
hacker, and I care that commercial entities like you respect the MPD
license. I'm disappointed by your behavior so far, because you already
violated the GPL (and my copyright).

I already told you twice that your MPD source doesn't match your binary.
The rules of the GPL mandate that you must provide the matching source code
for all binaries you distribute. If you can't follow those rules, then your
license is terminated automatically, making your product illegal.

Now I could tell you how I verified the mismatch, but then you'd change
that one piece in the source, and we're going to play endless whack-a-mole
where I can only lose. That's a poor way of solving something that is
naturally only your problem. So no, sorry, I can't let you know right now.
It's your turn, not mine. You need to resolve your copyright problem. I am
the victim, not the defendant.


Mail | DEC 22, 2017 | 09:56AM KST

** 주소를 찾을 수 없음 **

ad...@aurender.com 주소를 찾을 수 없거나 해당 주소에서 메일을 받을 수 없어 메일이 전송되지 않았습니다.

여기에서 자세히 알아보기: https://support.google.com/mail/?p=NoSuchUser

응답은 다음과 같습니다.

550 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try 
double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. 
Learn more at https://support.google.com/mail/?p=NoSuchUser 
j62sor2154864pgd.426 - gsmtp


Eric Shim | DEC 22, 2017 | 09:55AM KST

Hello Max,

About the copyright, can we use other than GLPv2 even it is linked with GPLv2 

Also, about MPD source, since you asked about libwimp alone in your last email, 
I assumed mpd source was ok.
 I am not sure how you decide it is same source or not, but it is the source 
code we used. 
We changed the internal version on configure.ac and we found the source with 
that version.

Can you let me know how you decide the source matched with binary?

Best regards,
Eric Shim


Max | DEC 22, 2017 | 09:37AM KST 

Thanks so far, Eric.
Your tarball does not contain any copyright/licensing information.Can I
assume that your wimp source code is licensed under GPLv2+, just like MPD?
When will you get me the source code of the MPD binary in your firmware? As
I said, the code you sent me does not match.


Mail | DEC 22, 2017 | 09:19AM KST

** 주소를 찾을 수 없음 **

ad...@aurender.com 주소를 찾을 수 없거나 해당 주소에서 메일을 받을 수 없어 메일이 전송되지 않았습니다.

여기에서 자세히 알아보기: https://support.google.com/mail/?p=NoSuchUser

응답은 다음과 같습니다.

550 5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try 
double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or unnecessary spaces. 
Learn more at https://support.google.com/mail/?p=NoSuchUser 
bg10sor8178944plb.54 - gsmtp


Eric Shim | DEC 22, 2017 | 09:19AM KST

Hello Max,

As I explained, we just changed the key part from the libwimp.so.1 source.
Anyway, I attached the unchanged code.

Best regards,
Eric Shim


Max | DEC 21, 2017 | 07:22AM KST 

Eric, have your engineers been able to find the GPL-compatible source code
of "libwimp.so.1"?

Please don't understimate the severity of your situation. The core of your
product is my software, and it appears that you have been selling it for
years without my permission.


Max | DEC 18, 2017 | 05:58PM KST 

It is trivial to see that source on your website does not match the binary
on my Aurender box.  I insist that you send me the matching source code of
that very binary.

Let's see if your engineers are able to provide the source code of
libwimp.so.1 with a free license. If not, we'll have serious problems.


Jacob Chang | DEC 18, 2017 | 05:35PM KST

Hello Max Kellermann
First of all thank you for choosing Aurender.
For the MPD source, you can find it from our website download section.
You can find GPL code center link in the page.

About other source, I will forward this information to our engineers.


Max | DEC 17, 2017 | 10:15PM KST  | Original message 

Dead sir or madam,

I have an Aurender A10, and it was shipped with a file "local.tar.gz",

This file contains a copy of a software of which I own the copyright, that
is "bin/mpd", SHA-256

This software has been linked with a library called "lib/libwimp.so.1"
which is also contained in your USB stick, SHA-256

However, what I could not find is a written offer to provide the source
code of these binaries.  Please note that this is required
according to the terms of the GPLv2 section 3.  Which means that your
product violates my copyright.

I assume that not complying part of the GPLv2 was an oversight, and I can
easily forgive that.

What do I insist is that you provide the full source code of both the "mpd"
binary and the file "libwimp.so.1".

Note that failure to provide the full source code of both files constitutes
a serious copyright violation.  Additionally, it will terminate your
license according to GPLv2 section 4, rendering all of your products
containing my copyrighted software illegal.

I expect to receive the full source code and full GPL compliance within two
seeks, that is until December 31st 2017.

Max Kellermann

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