Some other things I forgot to mention:

1) It probably wouldn't have been possible for me to get 2.5c/l
without jason's code, in both the mul_1 and addmul_1 cases.

2) You can often insert nops with lone or pair instructions which are
not 3 macro ops together, further proving that the above analysis is

3) The addmul_1 code I get is very close to the code obtained by
someone else through independent means, so I won't post it here. Once
the above tricks have been validated on other code, I'll commit the
addmul_1 code I have to the repo. Or perhaps someone else will
rediscover it from what I have written above.

In fact I was only able to find about 16 different versions of
addmul_1 that run in 2.5c/l all of which look very much like the
solution obtained independently. The order and location of most
instructions is fixed by the dual requirements of having triplets of
macro-ops and having almost nothing run in ALU0 other than muls. There
are very few degrees of freedom.


On Nov 26, 2:05 pm, Bill Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I managed to squeeze a bit more out of Jason's mpn_mul_1 code, so it
> is now 2.5c/l.
> Jason's original code which runs at 2.75 c/l is as follows:
> .align 16
> loop:
>         mov $0,%r9
>         mul %rcx
>         add %rax,%r8
>         mov 8(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>         adc %rdx,%r9
>         mov %r8,(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>         mul %rcx
>         mov $0,%r10
>         add %rax,%r9
>         mov 16(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>         adc %rdx,%r10
>         mov %r9,8(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>         mov $0,%r11
>         mul %rcx
>         add %rax,%r10
>         mov 24(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>         adc %rdx,%r11
>         mov %r10,16(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>         mul %rcx
>         mov $0,%r8
>         add %rax,%r11
>         mov 32(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>         adc %rdx,%r8
>         mov %r11,24(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>         add $4,%rbx
>         jne loop
> end:
> Now I did some reading on the Opteron processor. It turns out that
> there are two different kinds of instructions in the above, so-called
> direct path instructions and so-called doubles. The mul's are the only
> doubles. Everything else is direct path.
> Now direct path are single macro-op instructions, whilst doubles are
> broken into two macro-op instructions.
> The Opteron first breaks all the incoming instructions into macro-ops.
> Then they are packed together again into groups of three macro-ops.
> Either three direct path instructions, one direct path and one double
> or three doubles over two cycles.
> At the end of the "pipeline" instructions are retired in the order
> they appear (but may be executed out of order in-between). The
> processor can retire 3 macro-ops per cycle.
> So first, let's pair up instructions in Jason's code as the processor
> would pair them up, three macro-ops at a time:
> .align 16
> loop:
>         mov $0,%r9
>         mul %rcx
>         add %rax,%r8
>         mov 8(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>         adc %rdx,%r9
>         mov %r8,(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>         mul %rcx
>         mov $0,%r10
>         add %rax,%r9
>         mov 16(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>         adc %rdx,%r10
>         mov %r9,8(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>         mov $0,%r11
>         mul %rcx
>         add %rax,%r10
>         mov 24(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>         adc %rdx,%r11
>         mov %r10,16(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>         mul %rcx
>         mov $0,%r8
>         add %rax,%r11
>         mov 32(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>         adc %rdx,%r8
>         mov %r11,24(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>         add $4,%rbx
>         jne loop
> end:
> It's arbitrary whether one pairs the muls with a direct path
> instruction preceding or succeeding it.
> Now everything is fine except the lone mov on the first line and the
> two mov's in the middle of the code block. But we can rectify this by
> moving some code around. The mov $, reg lines are fairly independent
> and can be moved around a lot. We'll stick one of those with the lone
> pair of instructions to make a triplet and the one at the start of the
> loop to take its place.
> .align 16
> loop:
>     mul %rcx
>     add %rax,%r8
>     mov 8(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>     adc %rdx,%r9
>     mov %r8,(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>     mul %rcx
>     mov $0,%r10
>     add %rax,%r9
>     mov 16(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>     adc %rdx,%r10
>     mov %r9,8(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>     mov $0,%r11
>     mov $0,%r8
>     mul %rcx
>     add %rax,%r10
>     mov 24(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>     adc %rdx,%r11
>     mov %r10,16(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>     mul %rcx
>     mov $0,%r9
>     add %rax,%r11
>     mov 32(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
>     adc %rdx,%r8
>     mov %r11,24(%rdi,%rbx,8)
>     add $4,%rbx
>     jne loop
> end:
> I'm very lucky here that this immediately gives us 2.5 c/l.
> The case of addmul_1 is much harder. One starts with the above trick.
> But in order to get 2.5c/l from Jason's 2.75 c/l code, one needs to do
> more work.
> Instead of just moving the results out to the destination in memory,
> one needs to add them to memory. The former uses only the AGU unit,
> the latter an ALU and and AGU. The problem with the latter is that we
> need 4 mul's in the loop which already ties up alu0 for 8 of the 10
> cycles allowed in the loop. Therefore one needs to schedule everything
> carefully so that nothing much else runs in ALU0. That requires
> knowledge of the pick hardware (or for one to fiddle for about half an
> hour).
> There is a program called ptlsim which gives a detailed analysis of
> how any particular piece of code is actually broken into macro-ops and
> scheduled in the Opteron (works for most x86 machines). However it
> doesn't compile correctly on sage.math and I have not been able to get
> it to work on another Opteron I have access to either (running it is
> supposedly trivial, it just quits immediately when run). It requires a
> late 2.6 linux kernel for one thing, and perhaps it has bugs.
> I haven't been able to find the part of the code where the Opteron
> model is defined, so I can't just look up how the pick hardware works.
> I could just write to the author I guess. It could be a very valuable
> tool for eMPIRe as the above indicates!!
> Bill.
> On Nov 23, 11:16 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > On Sunday 23 November 2008 22:49:21 Jason Martin wrote:
> > > > You assume OOO works perfectly.
> > > >     mov $0,%r11
> > > >        mul %rcx
> > > >        add %rax,%r10
> > > >        mov 24(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
> > > >        adc %rdx,%r11
> > > >        mov %r10,16(%rdi,%rbx,8)
> > > >        mul %rcx
> > > > here        mov $0,%r8
> > > >        add %rax,%r11
> > > >        mov 32(%rsi,%rbx,8),%rax
> > > >        adc %rdx,%r8
> > > >        mov %r11,24(%rdi,%rbx,8)
> > > > moving the line at "here" up one before the mul , slows things down from
> > > > 2.78 to 3.03 c/l , whereas if OOO was perfect , it should not have any
> > > > effect. This may be due to a cpu scheduler bug , or perhaps the 
> > > > shedulers
> > > > not perfect , mul being long latency , two macro ops , two pipes , only
> > > > pipe 0_1 etc
> > > > If its a bug then perhaps K10 is better?
> > > I've seen similar wackiness with the core 2 out-of-order engine.  It's
> > > strange enough that sometimes sticking in a nop actually saves a
> > > cycle!
> > another oddity..
> > loop:
> >         mov     (%rdi),%rcx
> >         adc     %rcx,%rcx
> >         mov     %rcx,(%rdi)
> > ... 8 way unrolled lshift by 1
> >         mov     56(%rdi),%r9
> >         adc     %r9,%r9
> >         mov     %r9,56(%rdi)
> >         lea     64(%rdi),%rdi
> >         dec     %rsi
> >         jnz     loop
> > runs at 1.11c/l
> > whereas the rshift by 1 (ie with rcr instead of adc) does not, you have to
> > bunch them up into 4's to get to 1.11c/l
> >        mov     (%rdi),%rcx
> >         mov     -8(%rdi),%r8
> >         mov     -16(%rdi),%r9
> >         mov     -24(%rdi),%r10
> >         rcr     $1,%rcx
> >         rcr     $1,%r8
> >         rcr     $1,%r9
> >         rcr     $1,%r10
> >         mov     %rcx,(%rdi)
> >         mov     %r8,-8(%rdi)
> >         mov     %r9,-16(%rdi)
> >         mov     %r10,-24(%rdi)
> >        mov     -32(%rdi),%rcx
> >         mov     -40(%rdi),%r8
> >         mov     -48(%rdi),%r9
> >         mov     -56(%rdi),%r10
> >         rcr     $1,%rcx
> >         rcr     $1,%r8
> >         rcr     $1,%r9
> >         rcr     $1,%r10
> >         mov     %rcx,-32(%rdi)
> >         mov     %r8,-40(%rdi)
> >         mov     %r9,-48(%rdi)
> >         mov     %r10,-56(%rdi)
> >         lea     -64(%rdi),%rdi
> >         dec     %rsi
> >         jnz     loop
> > Again , it looks like the OOO is broken.
> > But if you look at the gmp-4.2.4 mpn_mul_1 , which runs at 3c/l , the OOO 
> > has
> > to get work from three separate iterations to fill out the slots.
> > While I'm at it , I got some more complaints :)
> > timing mpn_add/sub_n with the gmp speed program the results stay fairly
> > consistent . You may get say 24.5 cycles in one run and 24.6 in another. Ok 
> > ,
> > occasionally you 200 cycles , but I assume thats an interupt or some such
> > thing. But , for my mpn_com_n , which is mind numbingly simple
> > (mov,not,mov) , sometimes I get 20cycles , 40 cycles, 30 cycles  .... . 
> > Whats
> > going on there! , I dont know.
> > Confused.
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