How are you getting leaks to show up?

I get piles of leaks in the cxx tests on eno, but none on sage.math.


2009/1/10 Bill Hart <>:
> Hmm, not for me. I typed:
> valgrind --leak-check=full --show-reachable=yes ./t-locale
> It says no leaks are possible.
> Bill.
> 2009/1/10 mabshoff <>:
>> Bill Hart wrote:
>>> Oh, probably standard locale is not available on that machine, so the
>>> conditional compilation prevents the leak from showing up.
>>> Looks like I'll need access to a machine on which the leak occurs (and
>>> which has valgrind) in order to fix that one.
>> Ok, the problem shows up on sage.math.
>>> Bill.
>> Cheers,
>> Michael
>> >>

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