So I was unable to run the latest speed tests on the Linux 64bit live
CD that works on my Q9550 since it only contains Python 2.5 but I did
get a chance to run some benchmarks one of my GMP programs so we have
some real-world tests on a subset of MPIR.  You can see a very nice
progression from MPIR 0.9.0 to the almost 1.0 code (SVN 1728).  I was
expecting a big change in Core2 code but I was also surprised to see
the AMD64 code got a nice speed jump since 0.9.0 as well.

MPIR Benchmarks
mpz_mul(t, r, r);
mpz_sub_ui(t, t, 2);
mpz_mod(r, t, p);

Benchmarked values are: 83338 bits (25088 digits) and 125002 bits (37630 digits)

Intel Core2 Q9550 @ 3.4GHz (45nm, Family 6, Model 7, Stepping 7)
83338 bits (25088 digits)
Library                                         Time1           Time2
-------------------------       ---------       ---------
MPIR SVN1728 (gcc 64bit)        1m45.864s       1m45.722s
MPIR SVN1728 (MSVC 64bit)       1m47.063s       1m47.095s
GMP 4.2.4 (MSVC 64bit)          1m53.472s       1m53.505s
MPIR 0.9.0 (MSVC 64bit)         1m53.709s       1m53.709s
MPIR 0.9.0 (gcc 64bit)          2m04.794s       2m04.859s
GMP 4.2.4 (gcc 64bit)           3m19.200s       3m19.089s
GMP 4.2.4 (MSVC 32bit)          6m02.295s       6m02.280s
MPIR SVN1728 (MSVC 32bit)       6m02.435s       6m02.482s
MPIR 0.9.0 (MSVC 32bit)         6m02.545s       6m02.405s

125002 bits (37630 digits)
Library                                         Time1           Time2
-------------------------       ---------       ---------
MPIR SVN1728 (gcc 64bit)        4m51.502s       4m51.395s
MPIR SVN1728 (MSVC 64bit)       4m57.288s       4m57.345s
MPIR 0.9.0 (MSVC 64bit)         5m14.861s       5m15.095s
GMP 4.2.4 (MSVC 64bit)          5m17.398s       5m17.237s
MPIR 0.9.0 (gcc 64bit)          5m49.962s       5m49.823s
GMP 4.2.4 (gcc 64bit)           9m23.591s       9m23.568s

AMD Opteron 248 @ 2.2GHz (Family 15, Model 37, Stepping 1)
83338 bits (25088 digits)
Library                                         Time1           Time2
-------------------------       ---------       ---------
MPIR SVN1728 (gcc 64bit)        1m37.092s       1m36.801s
MPIR 0.9.0 (gcc 64bit)          2m13.795s       2m13.481s
GMP 4.2.4 (gcc 64bit)           2m56.692s       2m56.340s

125002 bits (37630 digits)
Library                                         Time1           Time2
-------------------------       ---------       ---------
MPIR SVN1728 (gcc 64bit)        4m29.804s       4m30.865s
MPIR 0.9.0 (gcc 64bit)          6m09.441s       6m08.634s
GMP 4.2.4 (gcc 64bit)           8m11.460s       8m08.912s

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