On Jun 6, 8:35 pm, Jeff Gilchrist <jeff.gilchr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 10:11 AM, Jason Moxham<ja...@njkfrudils.plus.com> 
> wrote:
> > Jeff Gilchrist has a real world benchmark , ie something thats run for
> > purposes other than generating benchmarks. I would like to see a few of 
> > these
> > in our benchmark suite.
> I would be happy to donate my code for that purpose.  It isn't very
> complex, does a lot of these functions:
> mpz_mul()
> mpz_sub_ui()
> mpz_mod()
> So only uses a small subset of the mpir code base.
> There is another GPL program (not written by me) that heavily uses
> GMP/MPIR for doing primality tests (Fermat base2, Miller-Rabin,
> Lucas-Selfridge, Baillie-PSW) that might also be useful for a
> benchmark since you can just give it a range to work on and it will
> run a bunch of tests, good for benchmark timing
> (http://www.trnicely.net/misc/bpsw.html).

This is interesting but it's not going to be easy to convert it to
Windows x64 because it uses several features that are not available
and not easy to provide.

First it uses inline assember code, which is not available in Windows

Secondly it uses long doubles via the x87 coprocessor, which won't be
easy to use from Windows and will, I think, need assembler support for
access in x64 mode.


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