On Oct 8, 11:10 pm, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have just fixed the last known major bugs for the up and coming
> MPIR 1.3.0. If anyone would like to try it out, it is available from
> svn. Once we have more broadly tested it on our build farms in a day
> or two, we'll upload a tarball and go through the usual release cycle
> of alphas, etc.
> svn cohttp://modular.math.jmu.edu/svn/mpir/mpir/trunkmpir-1.3
> Brian has done testing on Windows and so far it is passing. Jeff, it
> is up to you if you would like to either test from svn or wait until
> we have a tarball.
> The new benchmarks look good. They show we are still well behind GMP
> on root extraction, especially cube roots, but that we've caught up a
> lot since our last release and that we are a long way ahead on new
> primality tests we added to the benchmark.
> The main things we really need now are:
> * Optimise the function mpn_nhgcd2 function in the
> mpn/generic/nhgcd2.c file. This will speed up both gcd and xgcd.
> * Fast algorithm for extracting cube roots.

Our current root code , although asymtotically much faster than
mpir-1.2 is not at all optimised.
1) we can use partial products  , all the code is there , its just a
few hours to mix it together
2) at the final step we do a division whereas we only need an
inversion , we have a number of inversions , just a matter of making
sure they are compatible , and mixing them together with some
3) There is a special algorithm just for cube root , we could try
4) Our code is actually a native inverse root ( ie division free) ,
perhaps a native root (with division) would be faster , I think
asymtotically they are all the same run time.

> * Fast exact division using David Harvey's Hensel division code (we've
> already used his approximate quotient code to get fast tdiv_q code)
> * Asymptotically fast division.
> If anyone is keen for a challenge for the next release, mpir 1.4,
> those would be the main areas where we could really use a boost.
> Bill.
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