Hi Bill,

It is indeed, although you're right it makes things easy to hose.

I've had some initial problems getting used to it and have since 
realised that I can only seem to clone master branches of other people's 
repositories, so regardless of which branch I work on my changes aren't 
available. To solve that I'm back on the master branch for pushes up at 
the moment. So please don't clone my repository for the moment whilst I 
work out how I'm going to organise it if you're expecting plain old mpir 
1.3 code, it contains mpir-1.3+mybadmods... my thoughts are a repository 
for mpir-stable and a repository for mpir-antony (which is inherently 
unstable, as the name suggests). Any suggestions for how this is 
supposed to be done are more than welcome.

Also, is anyone else working on CUDA-izing the mpn code?


Bill Hart wrote:
> Antony, that's really useful thanks! I'm using git for FLINT-Lite
> nowadays and it is sooo much better. I'll start using Git asap.
> As soon as the next release is over I'll clone your repo and put it up
> on selmer (a machine I have access to) at Warwick using gitweb. I'll
> give ssh access to all the core devs. It would be good to continue
> maintaining your version as well, just in case the one on Selmer gets
> hosed. Git takes a little bit of getting used to, and whilst it tries
> to stop newbies from doing things which violate the integrity of the
> repo there is always a temptation to override the safety controls.
> I've done it a couple of times with my own repos, though thankfully
> not the FLINT-Lite one on Selmer yet.
> Bill.
> 2009/10/12 Antony Vennard <antony.venn...@gmail.com>:
>> Hi All,
>> I've grabbed revision 2456 of mpir-1.3 from the subversion repository on
>> modular.math.... and pushed it onto my server in the form of a git
>> repository, which can be cloned using git clone
>> http://vennard.org.uk/git/mpir.git (and https should work, but the
>> certificate is non-trusted i.e. self generated). I've left the master
>> branch as the contents of mpir-1.3 and created a branch for my own
>> modifications, which will mostly be experimental to start off with. I'm
>> hoping to work on some cuda/parallel support as well as whatever else
>> I'm useful for. Thus it should be easy to generate patches of my work vs
>> mpir-1.3.
>> This way, if anybody wants to look at what I'm doing they can, easily.
>> Hope that's useful,
>> Antony
>> --
>> Antony Vennard
>> Web Address: http://vennard.org.uk/
>> OpenPGP Key: http://vennard.org.uk/keys/arv_gmail.asc
> >

Antony Vennard

Web Address: http://vennard.org.uk/
OpenPGP Key: http://vennard.org.uk/keys/arv_gmail.asc

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