Hi All,

As requested previously my git repository (vennard.org.uk/git/mpir.git) 
is now fixed properly and live. I've taken mpir-1.3-rc1 as the initial 
commit and also created a branch for it, as well as av_cuda for cuda 
related changes. I've worked out how to get these new branches, once 
pushed, to appear in git branch -a, namely run git update-server-info in 
the repository on the server after a push, so I fixed my problem and 
will be pushing where I got to with cuda development up shortly. It 
isn't very exciting so don't await it with baited breath...



Jason Martin wrote:
> Okay, so ignore the last paragraph of my previous email :-)
> Let me know when it's safe to take down the MPIR svn repo on
> modular.math.jmu.edu
> Jason Worth Martin
> Asst. Professor of Mathematics
> http://www.math.jmu.edu/~martin
> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 8:59 AM, Bill Hart <goodwillh...@googlemail.com> 
> wrote:
>> I've made a git repo for MPIR, which can be viewed online here:
>> http://selmer.warwick.ac.uk/gitweb/mpir.git
>> If you want to "checkout" the repo (the term used in Git is "clone") do:
>> git clone http://selmer.warwick.ac.uk/mpir.git mpir-trunk
>> (or simply use the clone feature of TortoiseGit with the given URL).
>> I haven't given anyone ssh commit access to the repo on Selmer yet,
>> but note that once you have checked out MPIR onto your local machine,
>> you can make multiple commits locally to your machine and push them to
>> the repo on Selmer later. When you are ready to start pushing commits
>> to the Selmer repo, let me know and I'll give you a password. The
>> preferred way to do things, if you have access to your own server, is
>> to export your Git repo to the world (see notes below) and we'll just
>> pull patches from you. If that doesn't work for you, providing ssh
>> commit access to the Selmer repo is no problem.
>> Remember also the catchphrase of Git, "branch early, branch often". In
>> fact the first thing you should do is make a branch, to experiment in.
>> Committing to the master (i.e. the default Git branch) is not
>> recommended when you start working on a new idea. Make as many
>> branches as you have ideas to work on, and merge branches together as
>> needed. Note: making branches in mpir does not increase the amount of
>> internet communication with the "central repo" as it does in svn. Git
>> is decentralised.
>> We'll see how things go. If all MPIR devels seem to want to use git
>> and not svn, we'll switch entirely and abandon the svn repo. Otherwise
>> we'll keep it and rebase the git repo regularly.
>> Below is a list of commands to use with Git. If you are using Windows,
>> you have to use GitBash to type these, but many of the features will
>> have counterparts in the TortoiseGit GUI.
>> Using Git
>> =========
>> Clone
>> -----
>> git clone http://selmer.warwick.ac.uk/project.git project-trunk
>> Pulling changes from Selmer
>> ---------------------------
>> git pull
>> Pushing changes back to Selmer (requires access privileges)
>> -----------------------------------------------------------
>> git push --all
>> Branch
>> ------
>> git checkout -b mybranch
>> Switching Branches
>> ------------------
>> git checkout mybranch
>> git checkout master
>> (note it is not recommended to work directly on the master branch)
>> Adding files to revision control
>> --------------------------------
>> git add filename
>> Deleting files under revision control
>> -------------------------------------
>> git rm filename
>> Committing changes
>> ------------------
>> git commit -a
>> Cherry-picking commits from one branch to another
>> -------------------------------------------------
>> To see which commits are not in your current branch
>> git cherry -v mybranch
>> A + will be displayed against commits which you don't
>> have yet, and - against ones you have that aren't in
>> the branch
>> git cherry-pick 08d7780de
>> will then pick the commit whose SHA1 starts 08d7780de.
>> You usually only need the first few characters of the
>> SHA1 to identify a commit that you want to grab.
>> Show all branches
>> -----------------
>> git branch -a
>> git branch -r (will show only remote branches)
>> Merging a branch into the current branch
>> ----------------------------------------
>> git pull . mybranch
>> Rebase is dangerous
>> -------------------
>> If you don't want to hose your repo, don't use it
>> unless you have not shared any of the branches you
>> are rebasing
>> Removing branches
>> -----------------
>> git branch -d mybranch
>> Cloning remote branches
>> -----------------------
>> When you clone a remote repo, only master shows up.
>> To see all branches, type:
>> git branch -a
>> If you just want to look at a remote branch:
>> git checkout origin/branchname
>> If you want to work on it, you need to make a "local copy":
>> git checkout -b mybranch origin/branchname
>> Tracking a remote branch
>> ------------------------
>> As you notice, when you clone a repo, your local repo has
>> mirrors of the remote branches, and when you make a local
>> branch of that, changes made to the remote branch only get
>> reflected in the mirror of the remote branch, not in the
>> new branch you created to work on, when you do git pull.
>> To "track" a remote branch so that git pull will automatically
>> merge changes to the remote branch into your new branch, do
>> this:
>> git checkout --track -b mybranch origin/branchname
>> Exporting a Git repo (via http:)
>> --------------------------------
>> Explained here:
>> http://www.kernel.org/pub/software/scm/git/docs/user-manual.html#public-repositories
>> Assuming you have a git repo in directory project
>> git clone --bare project project.git
>> chmod 755 project.git
>> cd project.git
>> touch git-daemon-export-ok
>> git --bare update-server-info
>> Now get your sysadmin to copy the directory somewhere where it will be
>> exported by http (usually /var/www on Ubuntu/apache or
>> you can put it in your home dir on sage.math, etc)
>> Bill.
> >

Antony Vennard

Web Address: http://vennard.org.uk/
OpenPGP Key: http://vennard.org.uk/keys/arv_gmail.asc

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