On Jan 12, 3:09 pm, Ricard de Benito Panillo <ricard.ben...@gmail.com>
> Hi!
> just downloaded and configured the tools in order to generate MPI
> libraries. I'm compiling with VS2008 professional edition. All dll's
> were generated without errors, but DLL_MPIR_P0 (Pentium1 platform) was
> not.
> The linking error that arouse is the following one;
> Error   2       error LNK2001: unresolverd external symbol
> ___gmpn_modexact_1_odd  gcd_1.obj       dll_mpir_p0
> Any suggestion will be apreciated!


gmpn_modexact_1_odd is a routine that it sometimes provided by
assembler code and sometimes by a macro if no assembly code exists.

The file that determines this for each build is the config.x file
where x is to version to be built, for example, config.p0 for the

Before a project, say the pentium version, is built the config.p0 is
copied to config.h so that the right set of values will then be used
for this version.

Sometimes, if this copying fails for some reason, the wrong config
file gets used and this can create undefined symbols.

My advice is to clean the p0 project and do a rebuild from clean to
see if the problem persists.

If it does, if you have a small example that shows your problem, I
will be willing to have a look at it.

   best regards,

     Brian Gladman
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