On 09/03/2011 17:55, Bill Hart wrote:
> There is the C function mpz_sizeinbase. If you do it in base 2 it will
> extremely efficiently tell you the bit length. Your algorithm will
> actually be O(n^2) time, whereas mpz_sizeinbase for base a power of 2
> is O(1).

Many thanks - mpx_sizeinbase() with mpz_class::get_mpz_t() looks a lot
more sane as an implementation than my prototype... even when I correct
the assert to be "BOOST_ASSERT(number>0);" - as I originally intended.

I found mpz_class::get_prec() - though I could neither make sense of the
returned values, nor find its documentation.

While mpz_sizeinbase() is obviously far more efficient than my reference
implementation - is it as efficient as possible - given that I only care
about the degenerate binary case?

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