
I just grabbed the latest svn source (rev 993) for mpc:

svn checkout svn://scm.gforge.inria.fr/svn/mpc/trunk

Then, having first run 'autoreconf -i', I tried building a dynamic build of mpc using that source, against a dynamic mpir-2.3.1 and mpfr-3.0.1.

It worked fine - and all tests passed. Only problem was that the resultant mpc library was static, not dynamic.

Anyone else seeing the same ?

During the build I saw repeated warnings that "__GMP_WITHIN_GMP" and "__GMP_WITHIN_GMPXX" were not defined, and I'm thinking this may well be the cause. (This reminds me that I also had to remove the "-Werror" from the mpc configure script - otherwise those warnings are fatal, and the build fails.)

I'm now using a very recent 64-bit mingw compiler (gcc-4.7.0), so the problem can't be attributed to the old age of the compiler ... anyway, first thing I'd like to establish is whether others strike the same problem, or is it just me.


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