Thanks for the quick answers Brian, Case.

To be more specific about build problems, I sent a link to my library to 
another researcher, who ended up relying on other "hackers" in his office to 
figure out how to build MPIR.  Reportedly this took them ~3 hours (I suspect 
they were multitasking).

When I built MPIR on my Windows box, I ended up relying on the tutorial posted 
instead of the official MPIR documentation.  This required separately 
downloading a copy of YASM and installing it into my MSVC directories.  That 
tutorial also directs users to build a static version of MPIR, which could be a 
problem for them if they then link it against proprietary code.

If the documentation more prominently explained a complete process for building 
and installing DLLs for MSVC users, then that probably would have helped both 
of us install MPIR quicker and more easily.

-- Gilbert

On Feb 18, 2013, at 7:28 AM, Brian Gladman <> wrote:

> 3) Are there any plans to provide a Windows binary distribution through the 
> MPIR site?  If so, that would be fantastic.  I could point my users there and 
> be sure they're getting a well-maintained version of the library (instead of 
> whatever janky DLL I manage to build in my free time).

The short answer is 'no' I'm afraid since there would either have to be
many different variants or ones without optimisation and hence
relatively poor performance.

You indicate that people are having difficulty using MPIR with Visual
Studio. But there are very few reports or requests for help with this on
the MPIR site or on this forum.  It is important if people are having
problems that they report this or ask for help since we cannot solve
problems if people don't tell us about them!


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