I am not certain if this is quite the appropriate place to be asking for help, 
so if I am not welcome here for this purpose do not hesitate to show me the 
door. However, if you could be so kind as too give an aspiring developer a 
helping hand I would be more than gracious. I recently built mpir 2.6.0 in VC++ 
using instructions found here: 
 yielding me this list of files: mpir.lib, mpir.h, mpirxx.lib and mpirxx.h. I 
am using code:blocks on windows and wish to be able to utilize these in my 
software but, all builds fail with the error given above at line 2166 in 
mpirxx.h. As far as I am aware I followed all linking instructions correctly 
and yet my project fails to build. This is the build command I have been 
running "mingw32-g++.exe -Ldepend\Mpir  -o bin\Debug\MandelBrot.exe 
obj\Debug\EasyBMP.o obj\Debug\main.o    depend\Mpir\mpir.lib 

Others on the internet have said in regards to a similar error in your sister 
library GMP that you must use the linker setting -lgmp -lgmpxx. When attempted 
these both failed citing that "-lgmp cannot be found". Is there a linker 
setting I am missing here?

Thank you for your time,

Justin Becker 

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