Someone recently emailed me asking about problems with configure.bat and
Visual Studio 11 support, but their return email address was not valid. So
I am posting my response here in case they see it.

I believe configure.bat has not been maintained, but patches have recently
been added to our git repository [1], which might fix this for you. I don't
know anything about Visual Studio 11 support, so you would have to ask on
our development list for help with that.

Building under MinGW32 or MinGW64 should work. First you need to install
MinGW on your machine of course.

Installation with MinGW64 is tricky, but I managed it myself recently. I
wrote down the approximate steps [2].

MinGW32 is simpler. Once you have MinGW32 installed, the process is to then
download the mpir tarball:


Untar it:

tar -xvf mpir-2.6.0.tar.bz2

Then go into the directory:

cd mpir-2.6.0

And configure/make:

./configure --enable-gmpcompat
make check

I believe there is a known test failure in MPIR-2.6.0 which showed up with
recent compiler versions. It's pretty harmless, but it has been fixed in
our repository.

You can also do "make install" if you wish.

We can help you on our list if you encounter problems.

Hope this helps.



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