William Stein has been very kind in not only supporting Julia at
cloud.sagemath.com, but explicitly making Nemo available!

(I'm sure everyone knows, Nemo is the Computer Algebra package some of us
have been working on using the Julia programming language, which makes use
of GMP/MPIR, MPFR, Flint, Antic, Arb, Pari and will eventually use Singular
and a couple of other Open Source mathematical packages.)

William spent quite some time making it so that SMC runs Nemo without any
setup required.

If you want to try out Nemo, you can do so whenever you like, for free.

Simply go to https://cloud.sagemath.com/ make a free account, create a new
project, add a Jupyter notebook file, select the Julia kernel and away you

Just type "using Nemo" to start Nemo. Nothing else is required.

You can run our test suite with Nemo.Test.test_all().

If you need some inspiration for what to try, take a look at our benchmarks
test code:


Note that @test only works in test code, but everything else there should
work fine.

Let us know how it goes.

If you like William Stein's SMC and want to keep using it, note that he
offers paid subscriptions. This is one way you can support the fantastic
work he and his colleagues are doing.

Thanks William!


P.S: Nemo community: we should produce some really high quality Nemo
worksheets to advertise Nemo, Julia in general and the capabilities of

SMC has thousands of users, many of them students. It's a great platform
for us to show off our work without any complicated setup required for

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