At 02:37 PM 9/28/00 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>As a point of information for the list and other interested parties, the
>Minneapolis Schol Board is ahead of the pack on this item!  We spend time
>in the spring exploring different models of governance and decided to
>embark on the Carver based model of Policy Governance.  In August we had a
>rigorous and very sucessful retreat to receive training on this method of
>operation as a Board.  It is still in development and will be unveiled to
>district staff and the community later this year.  It is very exciting as
>it really changes the way we conduct business.  
What is the "Carver based model of Policy Governance."  How does this
change from the standard way the School Board does business?  

I noticed that the Burnsville School Board is not allowing the Boy Scouts
to recruit at the Schools--because of the discrimination policy.  How do
the Minneapolis School Board members feel about this?  Has the issue come

There is an item in todays Strib about the three complaints filed regarding
the CNIA meeting last week.   

Eva Young

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