the answer is yes.

since i was reprimanded for my non-mplsness post
(which i understand and was admittedly not even
thinking of...sorry, though i think the two aspects i
highlight below were both represented in the initial
post, and are germaine...) i will reframe the
discussion to make it explicitly germaine to mpls

mpls' own US rep, the honorable blah blah blah sabo,
voted to represent those of us in mpls with a vote to
give the EU a $4-6 billion tax subsidy/year (HR 4986,
which will assuredly benefit only major
corporations...) framed this way, what do you mpls
citizens think about your representation in the US

additionally, i would like to pick on mpls' own local
corporate rag, the strib, for failing to note this
rather immense piece of legislation (as it will
assuredly ignore the senate's debate and or adoption
of this corporate welfare).  in fact, i think the
strib has been doing a monumentally cruddy job of
reporting issues of the corporate globalizing movement
and the resistance it has been facing...look back to
the coverage of the WEF (world economic forum) in
australia earlier this month (a get together of the
1,000 richest corporations in the world (and the
protests against it))...look at the strib's coverage
of the IMF & world bank meeting in prague (and the
massive protests against them)...look at the
completely unreasoned, yet supportive editorials of
the generous, concerned and helpful IMF & world bank,
the benefits of gm agribusiness, the wto, nafta, the
list goes on and on and on and on....if you look back
to the wto seattle shindig and check the coverage, you
will see they did a much better job (though still
stilted, but you can't expect more than they delivered
then...) of cevering the wto itself and the protests
against the wto...since then the entire strib story
climate has either ignored issues of corporate managed
global domination, or glossed over it, and usually
ignoring the protest element or making them out to be
misguided, small numbers, or otherwise inconsequential

the strib is a shameless promoter of corporate managed
trade and this is something that nobody is willing to
talk about.

hopefully this is seen as a mpls issue, if we cannot
discuss the politics and framing of our local paper of
ill-repute and the effect that such propaganda has on
the citizens of this great village, then what is the
use of talking about any of this junk?

jon kelland

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