People generally try to come up with explanations for things that don't
make sense.  I think it's just the way the human mind works.  And recently,
city government actions that don't make sense seem to be focussed on the
neighborhoods of proposed light rail stops. (Hard Times, Hi-Lake, now Many
Rivers).  That may be just a coincidence, except for the Hi-Lake stuff
which obviously is connected to LRT.  But the more time passes, the more
I'm glad I don't live along the light rail route.  

Rosalind Nelson

Carol Becker:

> Could you name some names here?  Who are the "creators of LRT 
> and its proposed TOD communities"?  How are they affecting 
> this process?  What reasons are they giving for their actions 
> and in what forums did they do this in?

Annie Young:

> The word on the street here in Phillips is the main 
> reason Many Rivers is having problems is due to the 
> concern by creators of LRT and its proposed
> TOD communities that they don't really want large 
> families, especially those of color living near 
> these new fancy stations.  

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