[EMAIL PROTECTED]  replied to David Brauer:

>Kathy Mottl is a prosecutor in Wright County and is very well regarded,
both by prosecutors and by the defense attorneys.  Minnesota Women Lawyers
endorsed her.
>MWL did not endorse her opponent, Judge Patricia Kerasov, 6 years ago and
did not endorse her this year.  You can check out the endorsement criteria
at <www.mwlawyers.org>
>Janet Gendler
>Linden Hills
[KB]  One can also find information about judicial candidates in contested
elections (only 10, from Supreme Court through all District Court races) in
the "Minnesota Lawyer" web site at
http://www.minnlawyer.com/election_2000/election2000.htm .

I found it in the course of looking for the MN State Bar Association's
bylaws because I heard that the MSBA has adopted preference voting -- a form
of proportional representation also used to elect the city council and
school board in Cambridge MA -- for its elections.
             Proportional Representation elections:
           Majority rule with minority representation.
PR Library: http://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/polit/damy/prlib.htm
        == == o == == o == == o == == o == == o == ==
   --Ken Bearman, Minneapolis => E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] <=
FairVote Minnesota: http://www2.bitstream.net/~gabeo/fvhome.html
        == == o == == o == == o == == o == == o == ==
   "U.S. citizens would never accept an economic system
   that allowed us to buy cars from only two companies,
   or to choose from only two airlines.  Why, then, should
   we have to settle for just two options in politics?"
-The Center for Voting & Democracy -- http://www.fairvote.org

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