Certainly. The survey was put together after hearing many accounts of MCDA's 
riding slipshod over the people who have had contact with them. Accounts 
range from unscrupulous deals with persons having an undue influence in MCDA 
affairs, all the way to ignoring complaints from persons who have used their 
services. On this level, my interest is in the effectiveness of the program.

I am struggling to understand the relationship between MCDA and its 
commissioners (city council) and other agencies as it relates to projects 
involving all three. The use of public funds requires certain elements 
accompany each project in which they are involved:  other agencies funded by 
tax dollars have a responsibility to the public but, in at least one 
instance, neglected to perform their task, putting individuals at monetary, 
and physical risk.

The intent of the survey is to determine their services overall and the 
effectiveness of the agencies providing oversight. It will also give some 
idea of the number of persons affected.

Robert Anderson
IP Candidate, House 61B

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