Forwarded on behalf of Mark Trehus -- David Brauer, list manager,


Hello out there!

My name is Mark Trehus, and I own the property which includes Oar
Folkjokeopus Records on 26th (not 25th) and Lyndale.  I became informed of
Ms. McDonald's posting (reprinted below) by a very nice woman who subscribes
to this mailing list, and I thought it would be nice if I could share MY
version of the experience she related.

Ms. McDonald and her male friend came bursting into Oar Folkjokeopus with a
copy of a flyer picturing some hip-hop group I have now forgotten the name
of, and asked if we stocked the CD.  Thinking that she was interested in
purchasing this CD, my co-worker dutifully checked to see if we did (we did
not).  I recognized the picture on the flyer as being the same as that which
graced the cover of a promotional vinyl record which had been sent to me in
the mail, probably by the label or a marketing firm.  After producing it,
the extremely abrasive Ms. McDonald promptly snatched it out of my hands and
demanded to know how to get ahold of this record company so that she could
get them fined for "vandalizing" the new light fixtures around the area!
Viewing this intrusion by this decidedly uptight person and her accompanying
yes-man as something less than welcome on an otherwise pleasant fall
afternoon, I asked her did she not have better things to concern herself
with?  She replied that as a property owner I myself certainly SHOULD be
concerned with this grave act of vandalism!  After a couple
less-than-cordial exchanges, she left in a self-righteous huff, leaving me
with the indelible impression of an unstable, reactionary, rabble-rouser who
misguidedly runs around making mountains out of molehills.

For the record, neither myself nor the employees who work at Oar
Folkjokeopus by any means support the spread of graffiti!  Then again, I
personally don't really care one way or the other about the posting of
flyers on telephone poles and lightposts.  In our area, I think it's perhaps
even BETTER to look at a variety of posters advertising various musical,
theatrical or political events than it is some drab yellow paint--but that's
only my opinion.  I think it's energizing to be made aware of various
goings-on about town!  My reaction to Ms. McDonald's outburst had more to do
with her repulsive, self-righteous, ultra-conservative-flavored crusading
TANTRUM than it did this burning issue she seems to take so doggone
seriously.  Believe me, I would certainly rather have the people I have
noticed posting these flyers around the neighborhood over to my house for
coffee than this scary woman.  Makes you wonder who the real miscreant is in
this scenario.

Based on this, my SOLE experience with her,I would urge anyone who is within
Lisa McDonald's voting district to seriously consider voting for anyone BUT
her in the next election.  Someone this out of whack should not be in a
position of authority.

Kind regards,

Mark Trehus
Oar Folkjokeopus

P.S.  Here is Ms McDonald'posting:

You think that is bad, today I was out visiting busineses on Hennepin Avenue
and discovered that everyone oif our new pedestrian light standards, which
we haven't even turned on yet, had been stickered by a record company. Of
course I  pulled off a sticker and went to Oarfolk on 26th and Lyndale to
see if I could find an address for this company so we can issue a ticket.
The owner of the shop asked me why I didn't have better things to do with my
time and I said well how would you feel as a business owner if you had just
paid for these light fixtures or if you had to pay extra taxes to clean it
up. He thought I should get a life. I'ts really hard to want to improve the
neighborhood when folks think vandalism is okay.

Lisa McDonald
Tenth Ward Council Member

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