The MCDA has prepared a report on Brownfield Cleanup that discusses history
of brownfields, clean-up methods, funding sources (state, federal, local),
descriptions of the many projects that the MCDA has conducted site cleanup.
Minneapolis, through it's partnerships with DTED, MET Council, MCDA, MPCA
and others, has often been cited as one of the leaders in the nation in
brownfield cleanup. 

Some MCDA staff people have presented at national conferences to talk with
other government agencies about the MCDA's efforts regarding brownfield
cleanup to put land back to more productive use. 

If you'd like a copy of the report, that was updated this past June, let me
know.  Thanks.

Dawn Hagen
MCDA Public Information

-----Original Message-----
From: Scott McGerik [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 5:52 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: brownfield cleanup

John Rocker wrote:
> Richard Chandler may be right about the lack of progress on Superfund
> on the national level (I don't know), but brownfields are getting
> redeveloped locally. There was a ground-breaking ceremony today in St.
> Park for new apartments on the old Mill City Lumber property (Hwy 7 and
> Louisiana) and I believe the City of St. Louis Park helped pay for the
> up and a state program limited the liability.

I am unable to recall the exact details off of the top of my head, but
I remember the MCDA becoming involved in environmental cleanup so as
to free up the land for redevelopment. Hopefully, someone more
familiar with the project will comment.

Scott McGerik
Ward 3

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